Public Activities
I was featured in:
Warsaw University Magazine: "Z czego rodzi się szczęście?", by Anna Stobiecka, Pismo uczelni UW 102, 30 ( 2022).
Nature: "How three refugee scientists kept their research hopes alive", by Virginia Gewin, Nature 598, 527 ( 2021).
Research in Poland: "Hasan Maridi – from Yemen to Poland. A story of a displaced scientist", 14 December 2021
IIE -SRF (Institute of International Education-Scholar Rescue Fund program): on the cover of the celebration brochure the 100-year anniversary of the Institute of International Education, 2020.
The IIE-SRF’s newsletter (The Beacon), May 2020 issue.
I was a speaker in:
the NAWA event “The Science must go on! Despite the COVID-19”, April 2020
Science in Exile webinar series: Protracted situation of displacement – Afghanistan, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen, Science in Exile webinar series, 28 July 2020, 11:00 UTC. For more details please click here or here.
Attacks on Higher Education webinar which was co-hosted by IIE-SRF and GCPEA on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, from 10-11 am Eastern Standard Time. For more details please click here.