TWAS Young Affiliateship of IsDB-TWAS Scientists program for 5 years (2021-2025).
NAWA Scholarship grant, Heavy ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2020.
IIE-SRF Fellowship award (The Institute of International Education-Scholar Rescue Fund) in partnership with Philadelphia University, Jordan, 2018.
The young scientists grant to participate in the 25th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC13), Firenze (Italy) on 2-7 June 2013.
Best master thesis award in Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 2010
Faculty of science award for the best bachelor student in the faculty, Cairo University, 2004
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mokhtar medal for the best bachelor student in the physics department, Cairo University, Egypt, 2004.
Schlumberger Limited Company award for the best students in Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 2003
Financial support from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (in Yemen) to study Bachelor, Master and PhD at Cairo University, Egypt, in the period 2000-2014
Many certificates of thanks and appreciation from universities and civil society institutions