Personal data
Name Hasan Maridi
Current address Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Emails ;
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2010–2014 Ph.D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Thesis: "Calculations of the cross sections for stable and exotic light nuclei".
2007–2009 M.Sc. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Thesis: "Scattering of halo nuclei". Best master thesis award in Faculty of Science.
2006–2007 M.Sc. Preliminary courses in Theoretical Physics, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. First Class Honours.
2000–2004 B.Sc. in Special physics, Cairo University, Giza Egypt, Distinction with First Class Honours.
Work Experience
2023– Now Research Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
2020– 2022 Research Fellow, Heavy ion laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland
2018– 2020 Assistant Professor, Department of Alternative Energy Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan.
2015– 2018 Assistant Professor of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, Yemen.
2015– 2017 Assistant Professor of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Hodeidah University, Yemen.
2011– 2014 Graduate research assistant, PhD study, Physics Department, Cairo University, Egypt
2010– 2011 Lecturer, Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen.
2007– 2009 Graduate research assistant, Master study, Physics Department, Cairo University, Egypt
2005–2006 Laboratory Technician, National Atomic Energy Commission, Sana’a, Yemen.
Languages Arabic, English.
Computer ICDL, Windows, Linux, Ms Office, LaTeX, Mathematica, FORTRAN, Python, OriginLab.
Research Experience
A. Skills Calculations, programming, analyzing, writing, publishing, collaborating, and refereeing
B. Research Interests
Nuclear reaction theories and models: optical model, coupled channels, Glauber model, eikonal approximation, Coulomb excitations.
Structure and dynamics of exotic nuclei: scattering and reactions of halo nuclei, Coulomb dissociation, breakup of light nuclei, dynamical polarization potential, dipole polarizability, dipole response function, clustering
Development of an energy-dependent microscopic optical and dynamical polarization potentials.
Talks, Workshops, and Conferences
A- Invited Talks:
“A two-cluster approach for weakly-bound and halo nuclei”, University of Seville, Spain, 11 Nov 2024.
“Coulomb Breakup of Weakly-Bound and Halo Nuclei”, University of York, UK, 23 Oct 2024.
“Simultaneous calculations of elastic scattering, breakup, and transfer cross sections for the d+197Au”, Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland, 16 Oct 2024.
“Coulomb Breakup of Light Exotic Nuclei”, for Nuclear Physics Seminars, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 22 May 2024.
“Simultaneous calculations for elastic scattering, fusion, breakup and other direct cross sections for reactions of exotic nuclei”, Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland, 24 Jan 2024.
“Coulomb dynamical polarization potentials of exotic nuclei”, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, 07 Nov 2023.
“Coulomb breakup of exotic nuclei studied by means of Coulomb dynamical polarization potential”, Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland, 18 May 2022.
“Proton elastic scattering from light nuclei using microscopic optical model and the eikonal approximation”, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland, 18 Mar 2021.
“Using LATEX for writing the scientific publications”, Philadelphia University, Jordan, 18 Feb 2019.
B. Oral Presentations in conferences:
“A two-cluster approach to the properties of halo nuclei”, UK Nuclear Physics Early Career Research Workshop, University of Edinburgh, UK, 16 Jan 2025.
“Simultaneous Calculation of Elastic Scattering, Transfer, and Breakup Cross Sections for d+197Au Reaction”, Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Conference (NN2024), Whistler, BC, Canada, 18-23 Aug 2024.
“Coulomb dissociation of the exotic nuclei using Coulomb dynamical polarization potential”, the Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams conference (DREB2022) in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 29 Jun 2022.
“Data normalization of p+9Be elastic scattering below 30MeV: statistical study”, Information and Statistics in Nuclear Experiment and Theory (ISNET 8) conference, FRIB, Michigan State University, USA, 13-16 Dec 2021. (Remotely)
“Energy dependence and surface contribution of the nucleon-nucleus optical potential”, Nucleus-2019 conference", Dubna, Russia, 1-5 July 2019.
C- Posters
“Simultaneous calculation of elastic scattering & direct cross sections for exotic projectiles”, the Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB2024) conference, Wiesbaden, Germany 24-28 June 2024.
D- Other Workshops, meetings, and conferences:
Nuclear Early Career Research Forum, Institute of Physics, London, UK, 26-27 Oct 2023.
NSAC Long-Range Plan Town Hall Meeting on Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Astrophysics, Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA 14-16 Nov 2022. (online).
Low energy community meeting (LECM2022), Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA 8-10 Aug 2022. (online)
Low energy community meeting (LECM2021), USA, 9-11 Aug 2021. (online)
International Meeting on Energy Security in the Middle East, Amman, Jordan, 20 Jun 2019.
The 6th MEDENER International Conference on Energy Transition, Amman, Jordan, 04 Oct 2018.
"Medical Physics and Radiation Protection", Cairo University, Egypt, 11-13 Jan 2011.
"Reform of Graduate Studies in Nuclear Sciences", Cairo University, Egypt,17-19 Mar 2009.
D- Other conference with proceedings (remotely):
The British Academy/Cara/Leverhulme Researchers at Risk Research Support Grant for two years (2023-2025).
Cara Fellowship, hosted by University of Manchester, UK, for two years (2023-2025).
TWAS Young Affiliateship of IsDB-TWAS Scientists programme for 5 years (2021-2025).
NAWA Scholarship grant, Heavy ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2020.
IIE-SRF Fellowship award (The Institute of International Education-Scholar Rescue Fund) in partnership with Philadelphia University, Jordan, 2018.
The young scientists grant to participate in the 25th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC13), Firenze (Italy) on 2-7 June 2013.
Best master thesis award in Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 2010
Financial support from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (in Yemen) to study Master and PhD at Cairo University, Egypt, in the period 2007-2014
Faculty of science award for the best bachelor student in the faculty, Cairo University, 2004
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mokhtar medal for the best bachelor student in the physics department, Cairo University, Egypt, 2004.
Schlumberger Limited Company award for the best students in Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 2003
Scholarship from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (in Egypt) to study Bachelor at Cairo University, Egypt, in 2000-2004
Leadership and Service
Department rapporteur, Alternative Energy Technology Dep., Philadelphia University, Jordan, 2019–2020
Quality Assurance Manager, Alternative Energy Tech. Dep., Philadelphia University, Jordan, 2018–2020
Organizer of Workshops in several Universities in Jordan and Yemen (listed below), 2017–2020
Organization of ScientificWorkshops and Meetings
Lead Organizer, Situation and Future of Energy in Jordan, Philadelphia University, Jordan, Jan 2020
Sole Organizer, Environmental Impacts of Energy, Philadelphia University, Jordan, Apr 2019
Co-organizer, Using LATEX for writing the sci. publications, Philadelphia Uni., Jordan, Feb 2019
Sole Organizer, Energy Resources, Descriptive Studies, Philadelphia University, Jordan, Dec 2018
Lead Organizer, Applications of Physics in Engineering, British University, Yemen, Feb 2018
Sole Organizer, Applications of Physics in Medical Sciences, Al-Nasser Uni, Yemen, Dec 2017
Sole Organizer, Applications of Nuclear and Solar Energy, Hodeida University, Yemen, Apr 2017
Lead Organizer, Physics Applications in Architecture, Uni. of Sci. & Tech. Hod., Yemen, Jan 2017
Commissions of Trust and Committees
Peer Reviewer for Scientific Journals (Journal of Physics G, Nuclear Physics A, AIP Conferenc Proceedings, Indian Journal of Physics, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, . . . ), 2019–present
■ Guest Associate Editor for Frontiers in Physics journal for a year, 2022–2023
■ Member in committee (4 Academics) to establish a department “Science of Renewable Energy” in Taiz University (Remotely), Apr–Aug 2020
■ Member in committee of reviewing the graduated projects, Philadelphia University, Jordan, Jun 2019
Professional Development and Training
A week visit on “Breakup & polarization potentials calculations”, University of Seville, Spain, Nov 2024
2-week visit on “Transfer-reaction calculations using Fresco II”, University of Warsaw, Poland, Oct 2024
TRIUMF Summer Institute 2024: "Modern Tools for Nuclear Reactions", TRIUMF, Vancouver (Canada), one week training, Aug 2024.
FSE Foundations of Teaching and Learning (FOTL): University of Manchester, UK
Topics: The Effective Project Supervisor; Managing Student; Practical Sessions; Assessment, Marking & Feedback; Teaching Design & Delivery; Support Class Teaching, 12 hours, Nov 2023–Jun 2024.
2-week visit on “Transfer-reaction calculations using Fresco I”, University of Warsaw, Poland, Jan–Feb 2024.
Teaching Skills (FT1901): Academic Training Center, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Topics: Effective lesson planning, Virtual education, Blended learning, 21 hours, Feb 2019.
Nuclear Reactor Physics Basics Course, National Research Nuclear MEPhI University & Coursera (online), 16 hours, 23 Dec 2018.
Teaching Skills (FT1801): Academic Training Center, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Topics: Building websites, Effective learning, Google Forms & Drive systems), 18 hours, Sep 2018.
ICDL, Center for Foreign Languages and Translation, Cairo University, Egypt, Feb–Mar 2013.
NSPA Workshop on Radiation Protection, Cairo University, Egypt, 72 hours, Jan–Feb 2012.
A two-week workshop "Medical Physics and Radiation Protection", Cairo University, Egypt, Jan 2011.
Science Outreach Activities
Moderator of “Yemen’s wind harvesting potentials” webinar, Jun 2021
Speaker in “Attacks on Higher Education” webinar, by IIE-SRF & GCPEA, Jan 2021
Moderator of “Status and Prospect of Solar Energy in Yemen” webinar, Nov 2020
Co-founder of the Association of Yemeni Academics and Professionals (AYAP) abroad, Aug 2020
Speaker in Science in Exile webinars: “Protracted situation of displacement”, Jul 2020
Speaker in NAWA event “The Science must go on! Despite the COVID-19”, Apr 2020
Press Coverage & Media
Featured in the university publication: "Z czego rodzi si˛e szcz˛e´scie?", by Anna Stobiecka, Pismo uczelni UW 102, 30 ( 2022), Apr 2022
Featured in Nature: "How three refugee scientists kept their research hopes alive", by Virginia Gewin, Nature 598, 527 ( 2021), Oct 2021
Research in Poland: "Hasan Maridi-from Yemen to Poland. A story of a displaced scientist", Dec 2021
Featured on the cover of the 100-year anniversary brochure by Institute of International Education, Jul 2020
The IIE-SRF’s newsletter *The Beacon*, featured in the May 2020 issue, May 2020
Teaching Experience
A. Skills Teaching and tutoring at many universities, Management of quality assurance, writing course descriptions, supervising and evaluating graduation projects, taking many training courses on teaching skills of new educational philosophy
B. Courses
As an assistant professor:
Physics: General Physics I, General Physics II, Applied Physics, Medical Physics, electro.
Mechanics: Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics.
Energy: Energy Conversion and Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Energy and Environment.
Others: Nuclear Chemistry, Research Methods, Engineering Statistics
As an academic tutor:
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Mathematics of Waves and Fields
Fundamentals of Solid State Physics
Wave Optics
Statistical Mechanics
C. Lecture notes:
“General Physics 1 (Heat and Mechanics)”, 3rd edition, 2020.
“General Physics 2 (Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics)”, 3rd edition, 2020.
“Medical Physics (Lectures in general physics for medical sciences students)”, 3rd edition, 2020.
“General Physics for Sciences and Engineering Faculties”, 3rd edition, 2020.
“Environmental Impacts of Energy”, 1st edition, 2019.
“Energy Conversion and Efficiency”, 1st edition, 2019.
“Lecture notes on Thermodynamics”, 1st edition, 2018.
“General Physics for Sciences and Engineering Faculties”, 2nd edition, 2017, in Arabic.
“Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry”, 1st edition, 2017, in Arabic.
“General Physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism)”, 1st edition, 2016, in Arabic.
D. Student workshops under my organization and supervision:
“Brochures on Situation and Future of Energy in Jordan”, Philadelphia University, Jordan, 16 Jan 2020.
“Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Energy”, Philadelphia University, Jordan, 10-17 Apr 2019.
“Energy Resources, Descriptive Studies”, Philadelphia University, Jordan, 2-19 Dec 2018.
“Applications of Physics in Engineering”, British University in Yemen, Sana’a, Yemen, 3-19 Feb 2018.
“Applications of Physics in Medical Sciences”, Al-Nasser University, Sana’a, Yemen, 10-21 Dec 2017.
“Applications of Nuclear and Solar Energy”, Hodeidah University, Hodeidah, Yemen, 22-24 Apr 2017.
“Applications of Physics in Architecture”, University of Science & Tech., Hodeidah, Yemen, 3 Jan 2017.
The Institute of Physics (IOP) membership starting from March 2024.
British Educational Research Association Membership starting from October 2023.
TWAS Young Affiliateship of IsDB-TWAS Scientists programme for 5 years (2021-2025).
FRIB Theory Alliance (MSU, USA) Membership starting from 2021.
H.M. Maridi, J. Singh, N.R. Walet, D.K. Sharp, “A two-cluster approach to the properties of one- and two-neutron-halo nuclei”, arXiv: 2407.03044 (2024), submitted.
H.M. Maridi, N. Keeley, and K. Rusek, “Simultaneous calculation of elastic scattering, fusion, and direct cross sections for reactions of weakly bound projectiles”, Phys. Rev. C 109, 034601 (2024).
H.M. Maridi, K. Rusek, and N. Keeley, “Calculation of Coulomb breakup cross sections using a new Coulomb dynamical polarization potential”, Phys. Rev. C 106, 054613 (2022).
A. T. Rudchik,…, H.M. Maridi,…, “Comparison of 10B +6Li and 10B +7Li elastic scattering: The role of ground state reorientation and breakup”, Phys. Rev. C 106, 014615 (2022).
H.M. Maridi, K. Rusek, and N. Keeley, “Comparison of Coulomb breakup effects on the elastic scattering of 6He and 8He using a Coulomb dipole polarization potential”, Eur. Phys. J. A 58, 49 (2022).
H.M. Maridi, K. Rusek, N. Keeley, “Coulomb dynamical polarization potential and the electric dipole polarizability for weakly-bound and neutron-rich light nuclei”, Phys. Rev. C 104, 024614 (2021).
H.M. Maridi, A. Pakou, and K. Rusek, “The p+9Be elastic scattering below 30 MeV: optical model analysis and data normalization”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 30, 2150024 (2021).
A. T. Rudchik,…, H.M. Maridi,…, “6Li+15N interaction at Ec.m. = 23.1 MeV; validation of the a + d cluster model of 6Li”, Phys. Rev. C 103, 044614 (2021).
H.M. Maridi, “Energy dependence and surface contribution of the nucleon-nucleus optical potential”, Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 84, 473 (2020).
H.M. Maridi, “Energy dependence and surface contribution of the optical potential for nucleon-nucleus scattering at energies up to 1 GeV”, Phys. Rev. C 100, 014613 (2019).
H.M. Maridi, “Proton scattering of helium isotopes using an energy-dependent folded potential”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1976, 020004 (2018).
H.M. Maridi, M.Y.H. Farag, and E.H. Esmael, “Energy-dependent microscopic optical potential for p+9Be elastic scattering”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1742, 030011 (2016).
H.M. Maridi, M.Y.H. Farag, and E.H. Esmael, “Analysis of proton scattering of stable and exotic light nuclei using an energy-dependent microscopic optical potential”, Eur. Phys. J. WoC 107, 08007 (2016).
M.Y.H. Farag, E.H. Esmael, and H.M. Maridi, “Analysis of proton-9,10,11,12Be scattering using an energy, density-, and isospin-dependent microscopic optical potential”, Phys. Rev. C 90,034615 (2014).
M.Y.H. Farag, E.H. Esmael, and H.M. Maridi, “Energy-dependent microscopic optical potential for scattering of nucleons on light nuclei”, Eur. Phys. J. A 50, 106 (2014).
M.Y.H. Farag, E.H. Esmael, and H.M. Maridi, “Microscopic study on proton elastic scattering of helium and lithium isotopes at energy range up to 160 MeV/nucleon”, Eur. Phys. J. WoC 66, 03025 (2014).
M.Y.H. Farag, E.H. Esmael, and H.M. Maridi, “Elastic interaction of protons with stable and exotic light nuclei”, Phys. Rev. C 88, 064602 (2013).
M.Y.H. Farag, E.H. Esmael, and H.M. Maridi, “Elastic Microscopic study on proton elastic scattering of light exotic nuclei at energies below than 100 MeV/nucleon”, Eur. Phys. J. A 48, 154 (2012).
M.Y.M. Hassan, M.Y.H. Farag, E.H. Esmael, and H.M. Maridi, “Elastic scattering and breakup effect analysis of 11Be+12C at 38.4 MeV/nucleon”, Phys. Rev. C 79, 064608 (2009).
M.Y.M. Hassan, M.Y.H. Farag, E.H. Esmael, and H.M. Maridi, “Microscopic model analysis of 11Li+p elastic scattering at 62, 68.4, and 75 MeV/nucleon”, Phys. Rev. C 79, 014612 (2009).
1- H. M. Maridi, “Scattering of halo nuclei”, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. ISBN: 9783659421112